This is the only board on forum where posters are allowed to be jerks

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Posted by Siagiah
2/18/2019 12:47 am

This is the only board on the forum where posters are allowed to be jerks to other posters.  It's not something that we want to promote, but it IS reality sometimes,  so it's available for those who enjoy less polite discussions. 


Posted by greenman Online!
4/22/2019 7:02 pm

Amazed you haven't yet attracted any jerks....what, SES not posting on these boards?  Mondo not invited?  GOG scared to show up?  lol


Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2019 1:23 am

greenman wrote:

Amazed you haven't yet attracted any jerks....what, SES not posting on these boards?  Mondo not invited?  GOG scared to show up?  lol



SES is on a 2 week"vacation" while waiting to see him "learn some manners", but he IS a member. 

Mondo and jb are perma-banned and have been perma-banned on the old board for YEARS. 

GOG is too scared to show up.  Something about registration paranoia.  I rather doubt we'll allow him in anyway, after his behavior on the Blue Board and now R&E, but time will tell.


Posted by Amadeus
5/13/2019 5:17 pm

Nobody wants to be a jerk where being a jerk is allowed. Jerks want to be jerks where it would be a jerk to be a jerk.

If you follow my meaning.


Posted by Siagiah
5/14/2019 11:52 am

Well, that's true enough, but we do have some members who "enjoy" more rowdiness than the average bear... So, I created a place for them to be themselves without censure beyond what the Boardhost TOS requires us to do.

As far as I'm concerned, THIS is where they can do it and get away with it.  Not that I want them to, but I've been around these parts long enough to recognize that it WILL happen sooner or later when certain clashes of personality get together.



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