Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/01/2019 1:51 am | #1 |
Right-wing provocateurs reportedly asked men to make false accusations against Pete Buttigieg
10:50 p.m.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
Two right-wing agitators have been approaching men and asking them to falsely accuse Pete Buttigieg of sexual assault, a Republican source told The Daily Beast on Monday.
Buttigieg is the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. The source, who asked The Daily Beast not to use his name over fears of retaliation, alleges he was asked last week by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl to lie and say Buttigieg assaulted him when he was drunk, in an attempt to harm Buttigieg politically. Burkman and Wohl used false names, the man said, but he recognized Wohl, and knowing his history as an online troll, he decided to record their conversation. An audio forensics expert who listened to the recording for The Daily Beast confirmed that Wohl is one of the speakers.
The source, who described himself as a supporter of President Trump, told The Daily Beast that during the meeting he was thinking the scheme was "the Fyre Festival of political operations." He did not agree to participate.
On Monday, a person using the name Hunter Kelly published a post on Medium accusing Buttigieg of sexually assaulting him in February. A writeup of this post on a right-wing conspiracy website was tweeted by Wohl's father, David. The Daily Beast tracked down Kelly, who said he has no control over the Medium account or a Twitter account created this month in his name. He then wrote on Facebook that he "was not sexually assaulted and would never falsely accuse anyone," and he toldThe Advocatethat Wohl and Burkman had tried to rope him into their scheme Sunday.
Wohl and Burkman did not respond to The Daily Beast's requests for comment. Buttigieg said the false accusation is "not going to throw us. Politics can be ugly sometimes, but you have to face that when you're in presidential politics."
Read more about this convoluted tale at The Daily Beast.
Catherine Garcia The Week Magazine
Posted by BornToFarm ![]() 5/03/2019 5:27 pm | #2 |
It's deja vu all over again.
It feels a lot like the Kavanaugh thing, except a donkey is being gored this time.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/03/2019 6:23 pm | #3 |
BornToFarm wrote:
It's deja vu all over again.
It feels a lot like the Kavanaugh thing, except a donkey is being gored this time.
Difference is, Christine Blasey Ford made accusations on her own. There's been NO "discovery of a plot" to frame Kavanaugh. Plus, several others made similar accusations against him and there's been NO mention of LW provocateurs caught trying to set him up.
THIS time is VERY different. Two RW provocateurs were CAUGHT trying to SET UP Buttigieg by asking men to lie about him. Also, Buttigieg has NO ONE ELSE accusing him of anything.
No matter what, it DISGUSTS me that people are trying to do this to an innocent person. Doesn't it disgust you??? It "feels" like you're saying "ho hum, business as usual" ????
Posted by BornToFarm ![]() 5/06/2019 12:16 pm | #4 |
My point was that it's just another false accusation. It really doesn't matter if someone tried to recruit people to do the false accusing, or the false accuser came up with the idea themselves. Throw them all in jail.
Of course if that was done, then people reporting the truth wouldn't come forward for fear they might not be believed and then jail.
No, I am not happy about this.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 5/06/2019 5:59 pm | #5 |
Kavanaugh may not have a sexing problem. But he does have a serious drinking problem.
First, he admitted it.
Second, he defended it.
Third, his cheeks and nose show signs of alcohol addiction related damage.
I would like that cleared.
Finally, he's Trump's pick.
As seen with the AG, Trump's intent is self protection. McConnell goes along with it because of the "conservative" and "Republican labels," regardless if the choice is good, bad, or for Trump's protection. McConnell wants his "legacy," regardless how that affects justice for a generation.
If Trump is ever charged, tried, and convicted, I believe his judicial appointments should be rescinded for review, especially if the crimes were committed prior to or during his presidency and his appointment nomination process. A "convicted felon" has no business making judicial appointments of any kind.
Furthermore, because of the growing tendency for politicization, I would like any SCOTUS appointment to serve for a probationary period before achievement of any kind of tenure. The unrevokable tenure and appointment for life is fraught with trouble and danger, more so in this modern, exceptionally factionalized time and society.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/07/2019 5:28 pm | #6 |
BornToFarm wrote:
My point was that it's just another false accusation. It really doesn't matter if someone tried to recruit people to do the false accusing, or the false accuser came up with the idea themselves. Throw them all in jail.
Of course if that was done, then people reporting the truth wouldn't come forward for fear they might not be believed and then jail.
No, I am not happy about this.
What makes you SO CERTAIN that her story was false ?? It's not like she's the ONLY one making accusations. I believe her...
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/07/2019 5:31 pm | #7 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Kavanaugh may not have a sexing problem. But he does have a serious drinking problem.
First, he admitted it.
Second, he defended it.
Third, his cheeks and nose show signs of alcohol addiction related damage.
I would like that cleared.
Finally, he's Trump's pick.
As seen with the AG, Trump's intent is self protection. McConnell goes along with it because of the "conservative" and "Republican labels," regardless if the choice is good, bad, or for Trump's protection. McConnell wants his "legacy," regardless how that affects justice for a generation.
If Trump is ever charged, tried, and convicted, I believe his judicial appointments should be rescinded for review, especially if the crimes were committed prior to or during his presidency and his appointment nomination process. A "convicted felon" has no business making judicial appointments of any kind.
Furthermore, because of the growing tendency for politicization, I would like any SCOTUS appointment to serve for a probationary period before achievement of any kind of tenure. The unrevokable tenure and appointment for life is fraught with trouble and danger, more so in this modern, exceptionally factionalized time and society.
Excellent ideas !!