Well, Joe's in the race now

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Posted by BornToFarm
4/25/2019 11:54 am

I think he could be a real threat to Trump....if he wins the nomination.
But, can he get the nomination?  He's 76 years old.  He's a white guy.   He's been known to grope.  And he's far to the right of most of the candidates.   I guess time will tell.

BornToFarm   (AKA Pheoma,  Deplorable Pheoma)
Why be normal?
Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2019 2:56 pm

BornToFarm wrote:

I think he could be a real threat to Trump....if he wins the nomination.
But, can he get the nomination?  He's 76 years old.  He's a white guy.   He's been known to grope.  And he's far to the right of most of the candidates.   I guess time will tell.


Well, tRUMP is 73 years old, so it's not THAT big of an issue.  Also, I was listening to "pollers" yesterday who were saying that a majority (62%)  of Americans, of all stripes, don't seem to have ANY issues with the age of "white men" running for office and see their years of experience and presumed "wisdom" as assets while the opposite is true for female and candidates of color. 

The vast majority of actual Democratic voters ARE "far to the right" of AOC, Bernie, Pete B, Kamala, and other Democrats and candidates currently in the race.  So that's not as BIG of an issue as it might otherwise be.  He's still to the left of the current occupant and he has the residual "good will" from the Obama admin in the minds of most Democrats.

He might be a bit "handsy" but his friendliness and touchy-feely affection is generally perceived by Democrat voters as a sincere love of PEOPLE and a personal quirk, not a "nasty habit" or even remotely sexual or perverted in any form.  He needs to keep his affection in line so that he doesn't invade the personal space of peeps who don't appreciate it and I think he's learned something from the backlash. 

Right now, he is "the guy to beat" according to polls.  He polls higher than anyone else... so far.

You're right though, time will tell. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/25/2019 3:53 pm

Trump must consider Biden a real threat as he already "branded" him, "Sleepy Joe." 

Trump tweeted, 

=17px“Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe, I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty — you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!”

Trump, his staff, associates, and base are people who truly have some very sick and demented ideas. Why does Trump lie? Why does a scorpion sting? It's their nature. The scorpion stings to subdue prey, and for self defense. Trump lies for the same reasons; to subdue opposition, and for self defense. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2019 8:16 pm

"Sleepy Joe" ??  ROFLMAO.

I hope he doesn't think that silly name is going to cost Biden any votes.  Biden is pretty much a sweetheart (whether or not he'd be a great POTUS, who knows?) and I don't see independents or borderline Dems thinking that's funny or appropriate. 

Besides, Biden is very active, isn't he ?? 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/26/2019 10:55 am

Democrats have the perfect name at their disposal for branding of Trump:


The little boy who lies all the time. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/26/2019 1:48 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Democrats have the perfect name at their disposal for branding of Trump:


The little boy who lies all the time. 


LOL.  That's excellent !!  I hope someone USES it.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/26/2019 10:07 pm

Art of the Trump lie

Trump lies like an anal juvenile, toddler-minded adolescent.
"Do you have potatoes in your mouth?"
Shakes his head no, mouth full of potatoes.
"Open your mouth!"
He spits the potatoes in his hand, hides it behind his back, opens his mouth and says,
"See. I don't have any potatoes in my mouth."
"What's behind your back?"
"Show me both your hands."
Trump puts the potatoes back in his mouth, and holds out both hands.
"See. There's nothing behind by back!"
He mumbles with his mouth full of potatoes.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/28/2019 8:21 pm

BornToFarm wrote:

I think he could be a real threat to Trump....if he wins the nomination.
But, can he get the nomination?  He's 76 years old.  He's a white guy.   He's been known to grope.  And he's far to the right of most of the candidates.   I guess time will tell.


Pheoma, I LOVE your avatar... !!


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