Anonymous Issues Warning to rich about their donations to Notre Dame

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Posted by Amadeus
4/24/2019 10:31 am

Anonymous issued a warning this week to all those millionaires and billionaires and corporations who stepped up to donate for the rebuilding of Notre Dame.

They applauded the swift action in charity, but noted that the world now understands how deep their pockets are, and how quickly they can move to donate to charity when the mood strikes them. Anonymous said they were not going to threaten anyone - those who donated had exposed themselves already, and the poor, hungry, and needy of the world were going to ask them why they were able to mobilize staggering sums of money to rebuild a building, while human suffering doesn't similarly move them.

This was a warning that the rich need to take real action before the poor do.

And I think the rich should heed the warning.


Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2019 12:53 am

Amadeus wrote:

Anonymous issued a warning this week to all those millionaires and billionaires and corporations who stepped up to donate for the rebuilding of Notre Dame.

They applauded the swift action in charity, but noted that the world now understands how deep their pockets are, and how quickly they can move to donate to charity when the mood strikes them. Anonymous said they were not going to threaten anyone - those who donated had exposed themselves already, and the poor, hungry, and needy of the world were going to ask them why they were able to mobilize staggering sums of money to rebuild a building, while human suffering doesn't similarly move them.

This was a warning that the rich need to take real action before the poor do.

And I think the rich should heed the warning.



Well, as selfish as it may be not to jump to help the poor, hungry, and needy of this world, it is hardly anyone's RIGHT to demand that they do so.  Yes, they look petty and uncaring for rushing to rebuild a cathedral, regardless of how revered it is, but not giving much to help the poor.  However, no one  has ANY BUSINESS threatening them with the poor rising up against them to take what's theirs in retaliation for overlooking them.

Hopefully those who rushed to donate will donate something to help their fellow man too, but then again, how does anyone know that they don't already ??

Some may be enriching themselves on the backs of the poor, hungry, and needy, and THEY deserve to be put on notice that it's NOT okay, but the rest do not deserve to be threatened for their choices when they didn't take it from the poor nor earn it off of the sweat of those in need.

I think THAT is just as wrong as the wealthy ignoring the plight of the poor.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/25/2019 11:21 am

Allow me to shed a little light. 

I helped Salvation Army every week in the food pantry with meat donation from Walmart. 

95% of what Walmart gave us was not only past the expired date, it was so far beyond the expiration date the meat was green, slimy, putrefying, rancid rank, and dangerous even for zoological use. It had to immediately be thrown away.

The rest, long term preserved meats, like bacon, bologna, and hot dogs, were salvageable only if packaging wasn't torn and contents contaminated by the rotting meat. It had to be frozen immediately.

We typically completely filled a commercial dumpster from this one delivery and had to call the garbage service for an extra, immediate trash pick up, because you could smell it a block or more away. Walmart wrote off 100% of this at market price to taxes under charitable contribution. 

It took myself and who ever else volunteered an entire afternoon to work through this, and I ruined clothes I wore. They never came clean, nor was the smell neutralized. 

We served as Walmart's weekly meat trash disposal service, paying for disposal of their waste. This wasn't Walmart contributing to charity. It was abuse of a charity as a trash service. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (4/25/2019 11:30 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2019 2:46 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Allow me to shed a little light. 

I helped Salvation Army every week in the food pantry with meat donation from Walmart. 

95% of what Walmart gave us was not only past the expired date, it was so far beyond the expiration date the meat was green, slimy, putrefying, rancid rank, and dangerous even for zoological use. It had to immediately be thrown away.

The rest, long term preserved meats, like bacon, bologna, and hot dogs, were salvageable only if packaging wasn't torn and contents contaminated by the rotting meat. It had to be frozen immediately.

We typically completely filled a commercial dumpster from this one delivery and had to call the garbage service for an extra, immediate trash pick up, because you could smell it a block or more away. Walmart wrote off 100% of this at market price to taxes under charitable contribution. 

It took myself and who ever else volunteered an entire afternoon to work through this, and I ruined clothes I wore. They never came clean, nor was the smell neutralized. 

We served as Walmart's weekly meat trash disposal service, paying for disposal of their waste. This wasn't Walmart contributing to charity. It was abuse of a charity as a trash service. 



Yes, there most certainly are "evil intentions" from some of the richest peeps in the world, but that might be because the food was expired and was transported in regular trucks instead of refrigerated trucks.  Walmart came under fire for not having enough refrigerated trucks so they began a program in 2010 to buy more of them so that their perishable foods would make it to food banks still edible. 

I cannot imagine how they wouldn't have thought of that immediately when they decided to give the food away since it comes to them in refrigerated trucks because it HAS to.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/25/2019 3:47 pm

We never saw that and still don't. I still volunteer, but not every week. 
Meat arrives sometimes TWO WEEKS after its expiration date. 
God only knows how long it sat somewhere before it was moved. 
If one Walmart does this, they all do, because they are anal about all associates following the corporate prescribed formula to the letter. 
They can put out all the publicity they want. But until the rank and file recipients step forward to say changes are noted, their "word" is worth its weight in Trump. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2019 8:31 pm

I don't doubt your experiences, I was just wondering if not having refrigerated trucks was the problem ??

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/26/2019 10:51 am

Nope. The problem is store policy.

The corps officers' position is we're grateful for what ever they can spare, and if we must do a little elbow work to sort out what is salvageable, then we do it.

I think Walmart plays TSA for fools. TSA gets lots of Republican political attention, from the Koch brothers to Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys, who love to drop the TSA name in recognition at public events. Makes them look good. 

Perhaps we could save Walmart even more money. Instead of their delivery of spoiled meat, why don't we suggest we march up to their store and rummage through THEIR dumpsters in search of salvageable meat discards? Or we could bypass that option and simply send the poor who come to us for help up to Walmart to dumpster dive themselves. 

That may present two distasteful problems to Walmart. First is they would not be able to write off 100% market value of the meat under donations to charity, and even from in back of the store, the stench from the rotting meat in their dumpsters would odorify the entire parking lot, and might even waft up and down aisles of the retail store, depressing appetites of Walmart grocery shoppers. 

In the Bible, in multiple places, it says to give your first tenth, and your best tenth. In multiple places are accounts of those who gave less than their best, and the consequential curses that befell them. I don't believe patronage by "The people of Walmart" is sufficient punishment to be considered a divine curse. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/26/2019 1:57 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Nope. The problem is store policy.

The corps officers' position is we're grateful for what ever they can spare, and if we must do a little elbow work to sort out what is salvageable, then we do it.

I think Walmart plays TSA for fools. TSA gets lots of Republican political attention, from the Koch brothers to Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys, who love to drop the TSA name in recognition at public events. Makes them look good. 

Perhaps we could save Walmart even more money. Instead of their delivery of spoiled meat, why don't we suggest we march up to their store and rummage through THEIR dumpsters in search of salvageable meat discards? Or we could bypass that option and simply send the poor who come to us for help up to Walmart to dumpster dive themselves. 

That may present two distasteful problems to Walmart. First is they would not be able to write off 100% market value of the meat under donations to charity, and even from in back of the store, the stench from the rotting meat in their dumpsters would odorify the entire parking lot, and might even waft up and down aisles of the retail store, depressing appetites of Walmart grocery shoppers. 

In the Bible, in multiple places, it says to give your first tenth, and your best tenth. In multiple places are accounts of those who gave less than their best, and the consequential curses that befell them. I don't believe patronage by "The people of Walmart" is sufficient punishment to be considered a divine curse. 


Well, that would certainly call national attention to what they are doing.  Perhaps someone should report it to the IRS ??

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/26/2019 3:13 pm

Its too bad you and other readers can't see my "eye of contempt" with the squint, and raised eyebrow drilling through the matter, scrambling its little heart. The look was presented, and then I wrote, 

"Perhaps we could save Walmart even more money. Instead of their delivery of spoiled meat, why don't we suggest we march up to their store and rummage through THEIR dumpsters in search of salvageable meat discards? Or we could bypass that option and simply send the poor who come to us for help up to Walmart to dumpster dive themselves. 

That may present two distasteful problems to Walmart. First is they would not be able to write off 100% market value of the meat under donations to charity, and even from in back of the store, the stench from the rotting meat in their dumpsters would odorify the entire parking lot, and might even waft up and down aisles of the retail store, depressing appetites of Walmart grocery shoppers. 

The absurdity of the suggestions is equal to the depth of dogoodery corruption that allows somebody to pass off their useless garbage for somebody else to deal with, AND make a nifty profit from it. 

If that made news, or went national, Walmart would just deny it. Other TSA people could be found to step forward with platitudes about Walmart until the concern and complaint become ridiculous and forgotten. 

If nobody else cares, then why should I? Why should I put my neck on a block to make something right, between people who can crush a nobody like me with almost effortless ease? It happened before. I know exactly what the crush under their heel feels like. The complaints and exposure won't change a thing. After its all over, they go on, life goes on, and the whistleblower is ruined and so demoralized, he'll likely never repeat the error again, and the lesson spread among those who observed is, "keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/26/2019 7:03 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Its too bad you and other readers can't see my "eye of contempt" with the squint, and raised eyebrow drilling through the matter, scrambling its little heart. The look was presented, and then I wrote, 

"Perhaps we could save Walmart even more money. Instead of their delivery of spoiled meat, why don't we suggest we march up to their store and rummage through THEIR dumpsters in search of salvageable meat discards? Or we could bypass that option and simply send the poor who come to us for help up to Walmart to dumpster dive themselves. 

That may present two distasteful problems to Walmart. First is they would not be able to write off 100% market value of the meat under donations to charity, and even from in back of the store, the stench from the rotting meat in their dumpsters would odorify the entire parking lot, and might even waft up and down aisles of the retail store, depressing appetites of Walmart grocery shoppers. 

The absurdity of the suggestions is equal to the depth of dogoodery corruption that allows somebody to pass off their useless garbage for somebody else to deal with, AND make a nifty profit from it. 

If that made news, or went national, Walmart would just deny it. Other TSA people could be found to step forward with platitudes about Walmart until the concern and complaint become ridiculous and forgotten. 

If nobody else cares, then why should I? Why should I put my neck on a block to make something right, between people who can crush a nobody like me with almost effortless ease? It happened before. I know exactly what the crush under their heel feels like. The complaints and exposure won't change a thing. After its all over, they go on, life goes on, and the whistleblower is ruined and so demoralized, he'll likely never repeat the error again, and the lesson spread among those who observed is, "keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." 

Siagiah responds: Oh, believe me, I got the disgusted sarcasm without having to see the look on your face. 

TSA people?  The Transportation Security Administration ??  I'm confused by what they have to do with Walmart ??

Are you saying that you think it's pointless to try to expose them ??



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