I kinda miss Woodbine's board now

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Posted by Siagiah
12/01/2022 8:57 pm

At least the way it was pre-Sum.  What a shame and a waste of a perfectly good board with some interesting characters.  I wonder where they all went?

That's what's happening to Twitter right now.  Not that I spend any real time on Twitter, I don't.  But those who do and really enjoy it must be fitting out that it's all falling apart.

Anyway, I was just thinking about how much fun it was sometimes to go look in to see what kind of crazy was happening there. 


Posted by dancing digits
12/02/2022 1:14 am

Yes! I miss the board when Woodbine was running show.  I would always go there for the humor.  I have no idea who Sum was, and it essentially doesn't matter. Sum didn't seem interested in returning the board back to its heyday.  Maybe Sum was not capable of it.  Who knows.

I don't have a Twitter account and never did.  

Facebook has changed too.  I guess the saying "All good things come to an end" is indeed true.  Too bad. 

Posted by Siagiah
12/02/2022 1:23 am

I haven't found much of a change on Facebook.  However, I only use it to keep up with long distance relatives (cousins, aunts, & uncles) and old friends I'd seldom see or hear from otherwise, especially old classmates and coworkers . For that, it's WONDERFUL. 

I look for the humor there and basically ignore the politics and strife.  I shut down drama queens as soon as they are identified.  I simply can't be bothered with energy zappers. 

So, I haven't noticed it there.

Twitter I all but NEVER use.  I only have it for one specific use that is quite infrequent.  But I hear that it's falling apart.

It IS a real shame that Woodbine killed his own board, but it is what it is and that's the end of that.  However, there was a time that I really liked it.  I even liked Woodbine. 

I am VERY sorry that some of the crowd helped destroy it.  If we'd all just left it alone, it might still be there and you'd still be having fun there.  :-(


Posted by dancing digits
12/03/2022 12:15 am

Yes, that is what I essentially use Facebook for too. Occasionally, though, I do run across a drama queen that won't shut up.  It really gets annoying - and then the childish unfriending starts.  I have made it a policy to sit back and just by-pass the side-show when it starts.  I go to FB to kick back and relax and enjoy the photos and stories everyone posts.  Arguments are not my cup of tea. There is too much stress in real life to go around on the internet looking for more, social media included.

I feel bad about Woodbine's board as it was all fine and good until some of the newer posters hit town.  I don't blame him for having enough of it.  The Sum-episodes are beyond my understanding.  I don't get what that was all about and it's a waste of time trying to figure it out anyway. I left when it became apparent that the board was in its death throes. Ah well. . . .


Last edited by dancing digits (12/03/2022 12:17 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/03/2022 11:02 am

Woodbine's C&E was fine. Especially with the dry, witty British humour. 
The reciprocal ugly American invasion began the wreckage, and Woodbine's delegation of moderation to SUM finished it. I miss the original, but not what it became. 

I tweeted a few times early on. Found it wholly uninteresting and not useful. 
Slowly eased into Facebook. I tend to not jump onto popular trends right away. 
Any hold should be tested before you trust your weight on it. 


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