60 Spectacular Photos Show the Wonders of Nature

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Posted by Siagiah
6/14/2020 7:41 pm


60 Spectacular Photos Show the Wonders of Nature 

yas! | By Brent Gallagher | February 9, 2020

 The world we live in is full of amazing moments that often get captured on camera. Nature surrounding us has the power to both inspire and frighten us at times. Either way, sharing these moments and taking time to witness them even though a digital photograph is an outstanding experience. For this reason, we decided to put together this collection of 60 nature photographs that showcase amazing details from the world we live in.

 The Lighthouse Survivor


The picture you can see above was taken in 1989 by Jean Guichard. It shows a lighthouse called Phares dans la Tempere completely swallowed by a giant wave. Interestingly, the name of this lighthouse located on the northwest coast of France translates to “Lighthouse in a storm,” which is exactly what’s portrayed on the picture. The man standing outside the lighthouse is Theodore Malgorne, a lighthouse keeper who patiently waited for rescue while his colleagues were sitting safely inside the structure. Luckily, no one was hurt and the lighthouse itself wasn’t damaged. In fact, it still stands today!

 The Crazy Racoon Attack

Imagine going camping, hearing strange noises outside your tent and going out to find this. A group of raccoons eagerly waiting to attack your shelter. What is so strange about this picture is the fact that raccoons are generally solitary mammals, meaning they don’t often hang out in groups. However, they are nocturnal animals so don’t be surprised if you stumble upon them during the night.


Besides, these little creatures are omnivores and they cannot wait to get their hands on any kind of food campers might be hiding in their tents. We’re not sure what happened next but we hope there was no serious damage made to the tent or those inside it.

 A Tornado Shot

This might be the coolest Facebook cover photo ever taken. The girl in the photo, named Audra Thomas, took this opportunity and had her picture taken in front of an F-1 tornado. However, she does come from Beaver City, Nebraska, where tornado’s aren’t unusual so we understand why she is so calm and peaceful in the picture.

Besides, even though the twister looks like it is coming to get her, it was actually over a mile away. Sadly, the tornado reached her family farm and destroyed their barn. Taking a photo like this is dangerous. You can only imagine how her mother would feel if she knew what her daughter was doing. Well, not in this case, since Audra’s mother, Marrilee, was the one who took this picture!

 Poor Piggy Fell Off the Wagon 

This poor pig was trying to escape its fate and seek freedom from the slaughterhouse when it jumped out of a truck full of other pigs.


Unfortunately, we don’t know if the plan worked out but, judging by the angle at which the pig was flying down towards the concrete, things might not have ended so happily. After all, jumping out of a moving vehicle isn’t something pigs are specifically experienced at. Still, we hope this little guy survived and found his freedom.

 President Theodore Roosevelt on the Back of a Moose 

Sadly, we must inform you that this photo is not real, even though it looks quite cool. However, it might actually be one of the earliest examples of Photoshop and altered images used for the purpose of political advertising. This ad was created when Roosevelt was running for the presidency for the Progressive Party.


The mascot of the Party was a moose, which makes a lot of sense when you look at the photo. The photo was made by a photography firm named Underwood and Underwood where they cut a a photo of Roosevelt on a horse and placed him on a moose crossing a river. The first time the image appeared in public was in 1912 in an edition of the New York Tribune.

 A "Way Too Close" Close Up Look of a Spider

 If you’re scared of spiders, you should probably skip this one. The photo shows a wolf spider carrying her effs around with her in a silky bundle on her abdomen. Most spiders usually leave their eggs until they hatch but not the wolf spider, who is considered to be the most caring of all spider mothers.

I simply couldn't keep this here.  You can see it at the link

 Mermaid-looking Whales 

The Beluga whales have odd knees that strangely look a lot like human knees. That explains why so many sailors reported seeing mermaids for centuries, mistaking these whales for the mysterious creatures of the water.


The beluga whales live in the Arctic waters and, due to their unique anatomical traits, they are quite different from other whale species. Besides the strange human-like knees, beluga whales also have white coloring and no dorsal fin.

   Poor Baby Elephant Stuck in a Hole

This adorable little elephant was stuck in a man-made hole in concrete. We’re not quite sure how it got there since it had to walk backwards to get stuck in this position but there is no doubt that this baby elephant needed some help finding its way out.

Baby elephants are truly amazing creatures. It takes them 15 to 20 years to reach adulthood and, just like humans, they do all sorts of crazy stuff while they’re young.

   A 28ft Crocodile in Queensland

This happens to be the only photograph in the world of the giant 28 feet crocodile that was found and killed in Queensland, Australia, back in 1957. What makes the story even more interesting is that this crocodile was hunted down by a female hunter.


Her name was Krystina Pawlowski, a Polish Immigrant who moved to Australia and became a well-known crocodile hunder. After capturing this giant monster, Krystina became popular across the nation and quickly began attracting world-wide attention.

   The Chase in Alaska

Yes, this is a real-life photograph of a man cycling and trying to escape a bear in Alaska. Even though bears don’t attack humans often, we still fear them more than we fear snakes or bees, which are more likely to harm us than bears.


Either way, this photo taken in Alaska is quite scary. We don’t know what the poor cyclist did to anger this bear and whether he managed to escape him but we sure do hope no one was hurt in this wild situation. 

 The Rocky Turtle

This legendary photo shows Sylvester Stallone with his turtles. However, these aren’t ordinary turtles like any others. These turtles are over 40 years old and they took part in the 1976 Rocky movie.


Named Cuff and Link, these two turtles have recently celebrated their 44th birthday. After filming “Rocky,” Stallone decided to keep the turtles and, rumor has it that they might appear in “Creed 2.”

   The Size Difference Between the Megalodon and the Great White Shark

Here is a great example of the size difference between the most dangerous sea animal of our time and the most dangerous sea animal back in the day. The Great White Shark looks like a tiny snack for a Megalodon in this comparison.


In fact, the Megalodon could reach 60 feet in length and it could bite with a force of more than 40 000 pounds. This monster is regarded as one of the largest predators that ever lived on our planet. Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about Megalodons anymore, since the species died out at the end of the Pliocene era.

 A Wild Dingo Eating a Shark Isn't the Main Focus on this Photo

There are a few things you can see on this photo. We’re sure that the wild dingo eating a shark captured your attention right away but did you notice the two snakes making love in the front? However, these two incidents didn’t happen at the same time and the same place but they are still real.


Two photographers did a great job merging two photos to present the wildlife in Australia. If you didn’t know how snakes made love, now you learned something new. And yes, a dingo can actually eat a shark, as it is shown on the picture.

 The Goat Tree 

This tree full of goats is located in Morocco and it is called the Argania tree. This is actually a very rare tree that produces a tasty nut that goats can’t resist. When looking at the photo, you might think the goats are actually hiding from something down below. Well, that’s not the case because the goats weren’t in any danger after all.


They only wanted to pick the delicious products of the Argania tree, so much that they would even climb to the top of the tree to get them. Luckily, these herd animals are natural climbers and climbing trees isn’t a big challenge for them.

  Bombers Flying Over an Erupting Volcano

This spectacular photo shows the Italian Mount Vesuvius erupting while B-25 bombers were flying over it in March of 1944. This photo was taken during World War II. This same volcano has erupted numerous times in history, causing disastrous consequences. It buried the roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 AD and it happens to be the only European volcano that has erupted in the last several decades.


The picture above shows the most recent eruption during which the U.S. army Air Force was stationed in Terzingo.

   Killed By A Bear in His Own Tent

This scary photo of a bear was taken in 1996 by a camper who got attacked and mauled to death in his own tent. Michio Hoshino was a widely known nature photographer who specialized in photographing the wildlife of Alaska. Sadly, this was the last photo he had ever taken. The incident took place in Kurilshoye Lake in Russia.


The photo shows the photographer’s attacker, an angry brown bear. Interestingly, brown bears don’t usually attack humans unless they are provoked but we are not sure what caused this bear to end Hoshino’s life.

   Sharing is Caring

This adorable dog seems to love sharing with his buddies. The only thing is, his buddy is not a dog but a skunk. It seems like this dog was smart enough not to mess with this smelling mammal so he just decided to wait until he is done eating.


Who knows, maybe he had a bad experience with this animal in the past and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake again. Skunks have a unique way of keeping predators away from them, as they spray a strong smelling liquid when threatened.

   The 1898 Oklahoma City Tornado

Even though cameras weren’t so common back in the day, someone had a camera at the right time when this giant tornado hit the town of Waynoka, Oklahoma, in May of 1898.


The two men shown in the picture allegedly engaged in storm chasing at the time this photo was taken. One of the men was recognized as David Hoadley born in 1938. He began his storm chasing career in 1956 in North Dakota and even founded the “Storm Track” magazine.

   A Hermit Crab Found a New Home

Unlike many other sea creatures, the poor hermit crabs don’t come with their own shells for protection. Instead, they have to make homes out of items and bones they find around. This particular crab made itself a home out of a human skull.


The shape of the skull makes for a perfect shelter for the crab, even though it is most likely going to move on as soon as it finds a better solution. Still, this isn’t a sight you see every day and a bigger question is, where did the skull come from?

   The Weirdest Creature in Nature

Now this is something you probably haven’t seen before. This creature is called the star-nosed mole and it has a total of 22 pink spikes surrounding its nose. These odd-looking spikes are actually sensory organs called Elmer’s organs.


They can recognize temperature, touch, smells, and vibrations. This rare animals has the most sensitive sensory system of all mammals and it is most common in the northern regions of North America, especially in low and wet areas.

   Mammatus Clouds

We’ve always been fascinated by clouds and different shapes you can find in the sky. This picture shows special Mammatus clouds formed over Nebraska after a tornado hit the area.


This unique cloud formation takes place when cold air meets warm air, creating a masterpiece in the sky. These clouds most commonly occur in conjunction with anvil clouds, cirrus clouds, and cumulonimbus clouds. These Mammatus clouds were first recorded in 1894 by William Clement Ley.

   A Seagull Saving His Friend

Sadly, we don’t know how this situation played out put the picture shows a rather sad incident where a seagull tried to save his friend from a bald eagle.


Bald eagles are some of the most dangerous predators in the United States and they are pretty vicious when it comes to hunting food. This poor seagull was the next one on the menu, even though his friend desperately tried to save his life. It doesn’t look like the eagle was affected at all, which makes us believe that this incident didn’t have such a happy ending.

   A Real Life Tiger on the Set of Roar in 1981

Here is Trippi Harden from Roar on the movie set with her real life tiger in 1981. Back in the day, Roar was one of the most dangerous movies to film due to wild animals freely roaming around the set.


The picture shows Tippi Harden who starred in the movie along with her then-husband Noel Marshall. The plot of the film revolves around an American family who traveled to Africa to visit a scientist who lived with wild animals. Filming the movie wasn’t easy, as 70 crew members were hurt during the process with injuries from small scratches to broken bones.

 The Only Brown Panda in the World

This adorable brown panda is the only left example of this species in the world. Qizai didn’t only suffer from loneliness but also from bullying, as other pandas didn’t accept him.


Even his own mother abandoned him in a Chinese Forest but, luckily, he was found by humans and later taken to the Foping Panda Valley in China. He has been safe for years there and his caretakers are even trying to find him a mate. 

An Epic Sunset

This spectacular picture has attracted world-wide attention when it surfaced on the web. It showcases stunning storm clouds spreading over the city of Moscow.

These types of clouds either signalized that a major storm was about to come or that is has just passed the area. Luckily, someone remembered to capture the image while sunlight painted a masterpiece across the clouds.

 Australia Zoo Crococdile in 1996 

Here is the popular crocodile hunter Steve Irwin with his wife, Terri. Steve was, however, more than just an ordinary hunter. He was also a showman, an educator, and a television personality. It was a huge shock to find out about his sudden death in 2006. Unfortunately, Steve was killed by a wild animal while filming one of his TV episodes.


The incident took place in the Batt Reef, Australia, when a stingray pierced his heart. After that, everyone remembered how Steve once said: “I have no fear of losing my life – If I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.”

   The "Male Organ" Snake

Believe it or not, this is a snake that got a nickname after the male organ because it kind of resembles it. Its original name is Atretochoana eiselti and it is definitely the weirdest snake in the world. Well, actually, it’s not even a snake. It is a limbless amphibian as well as the largest tetrapod that has no lungs. Its respiratory system is integrated in its skin, while the oxygen later travels through small capillaries beneath the surface of the skin.

This animal was first discovered in the 19th century by Sir Graham Hales who only preserved two specimen. It was later discovered again in 2011.

   A Giant Manta Ray 

This is possibly the largest manta ray ever captured in the world. It is 20 feet wide and weighs over 5000 lbs. Manta Rays are quite rare sea features but this specific one is probably the rarest.


They live in subtropical and tropical waters and the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified them as a vulnerable species. Even though they don’t look so vulnerable, manta rays are quite an endangered species, as their biggest threats are pollution and fishing nets.

   The Unique Catacumbo Lightning

This stunning sight of a lightning can only be seen in one location on our planet. The great Catacumbo lightning only occurs above the Catacumbo River in Venezuela and it happens about 140 to 160 times a year, only at night.


This stunning lightning can be seen for up to ten hours, as it strikes more than 250 times per hour. Venezuela is the only location on Earth where this kind of a phenomenon can take place.

   The Frozen Cell Tower

Believe it or not, this frozen thing on the picture is a cell tower. A severe snow storm has left this tower covered in ice. While these icicles might look stunning, they can cause a lot of damage to structures such as fences, lighthouses, or even cell phone towers.


The man shown on the picture is probably a technician who had to face the difficulties of his dangerous job and clean some ice off the tower.

   Lighting Above Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan is another location that attracts incredible lightning shows. As one of the five Great Lakes, Lake Michigan is technically a large freshwater sea rather than a lake and it is the only one of five Great Lakes that is located entirely in the United States.


Massive thunderstorms are common occurrence around Lake Michigan, as show on the picture. The photographer who took this photo captured an amazing moment where not one but several lightning strikes hit the water.

  The Weird Lens Shaped Clouds

Here is another beautiful shot of a unique cloud formation in the sky. These huge clouds can even be seen from 60 miles away and they are often mistaken for UFOs due to their oval shape.


This formation is known as the lens or lenticular clouds and it is considered one of the rarest cloud formations. No wonder someone took their camera out right away to capture this moment. These strange clouds are usually formed when air travels over a mountain that disrupts its flow. 

 The Coolest Blue Ice Monolith in the Antarctic

This stunning white and blue structure is actually a 50 feet ice monolith located on the Antarctic. There was a lot of fake news and rumors surrounding this image in the media, as some photographs believed this was actually a frozen tsunami wave. However, the picture shows something completely different.


This is actually an example of a phenomenon called blue ice. This ice is so thick that light passes through it and the red wave lengths get filtered out, leaving a crystal clear blue color on the surface. Ice monoliths in Antarctica usually remain frozen throughout the whole year, while a few new layers are added every winter.

  The Rare Black Jaguar

The Black Jaguar is one of the rarest species on Earth and certainly one of the coolest. Back in the day, black jaguars were considered to be a whole different species from regular jaguars but today’s biologists file them all in the same category.


These animals are closely related to leopards and panthers, as they are all members of the feline family of big cats. It takes two spotted black jaguars to produce spotted black jaguar cubs, which are quite rare nowadays.

  The Most Stunning Image of a Lighting Striking a Tree

We’ve already seen some cool lightning shots but none of them come close to this one. This photo was taken by Darren Pearson at the right moment when lightning struck a tree.


The photo clearly shows the electricity of the lightning traveling through the tree and into the earth. According to photographer Pearson, the shot was taken using long exposure, which allowed the camera to capture the electricity. The change of color is proof that the intensity of the electricity decreases as it hits the ground. Some, however, claim this image has been photoshopped.

   A Sneaky Cat

This funny photograph shows that cats might be smarter than dogs. This clever cat has found a way to hide from two dogs that were obviously chasing her. Even though Dobermans look threatening, they are actually very calm and kind dogs despite their negative reputation.


They were bread in he late 1800s as guard dogs that were supposed to protects tax collectors who carried large amounts of money. They are very protective but they can also be kind and peaceful when you need them to be.  

Extinct Tasmanian Tigers in 1910

This old photograph shows a Tasmanian Tiger family that is now extinct. At the moment the photo was taken in 1910, this family of tigers was located in the Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart. Also known as the Tasmanian wold, this animal was actually neither a tiger nor a wolf itself.


It was considered to be the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world, found in Tasmania, Australia, as well as New Guinea. This was a very shy animal and a nocturnal predator. They ceased to exist in the 20th century due to hunting and disease that hit the species.

   The Underwater Feast

The next photo on our list shows a crab and a couple of sea stars eating a squid carcass. While seeing a dead animal is sad, we must appreciate the circle of life and the fact that nothing goes to waste in the nature.


This picture shows how dead animals become the food of the living ones, and the circle goes on. Sea stars are such cute species that it’s difficult to accept that they are actually carnivores that eat other animals such as clams, snails, and sea urchins. 

 An Exploration Vessel Stuck in Sea Ice, 1915

An exploration vessel named “Endurance,” led by Sir Ernest Shackleton, went on a Trans-Antarctic exploration mission where it crashed and sunk in 1915. There is also a movie filmed in 2002 that told the story of Shackleton’s and his crew’s survival in the dangerous ice of the Antarctic. This mission was actually a race to the South Pole, even though Roald Amundsen won the title of the first one to reach this area.


However, the journey back home was a real challenge for the Endurance vessel. Besides getting stuck in the ice, the ship was slowly crushed until it eventually sunk down. Surprisingly, the team and their leader survived on ice for 497 days until they reached for an inhabited island.

   Soviet Soldiers Hanging Out with Polar Bears in 1950s

This heart-warming image shows a Soviet soldier feeding a polar bear right out of their hand. The picture was taken in the Chukchi Peninsula, an area where temperatures go well below zero. Due to these harsh conditions and extremely deep snow, animals are struggling to find food.


The soldiers were so nice that they fed this starving polar bear and her cubs, helping them survive the harsh winter. We already know that bears are most dangerous when protecting their cubs but this mama bear decided to accept the help from humans, as she didn’t find them threatening.

   Morning Glory Cloud Phenomenon 

Cloud formations are truly one of the most beautiful wonders in nature. This image shows a cloud formation that almost looks unreal. However, these clouds are actually real and they are called the Morning Glory. This rare phenomenon occurred in the Gulf of Carpentaria in Northern Australia.


These strange clouds look like rolls stretching across the sky. They only occur in the period between September and early November where residents of Burketown can enjoy in this strange sight.

 The Tornado of 1922

The picture above shows a scary tornado that took place in 1922. This huge twister struck the city of Austin in Texas, after which it split into two separate tornadoes, forming the worst tornado disaster in the history of Austin.


Many important facilities and parts of the town were damaged during the storm, including the St. Edward’s University, as well as the University of Texas. A total of 13 people died during the incident, while over 50 residents of Texas were injured.

 Adorable Polar Bunnies

These adorable fluffy creatures are known as Arctic hares or the polar rabbits. These rabbits live on cold ice and their white fur is the result of adaptation to the harsh Arctic climate.

During the summer months, their fur turns brownish-gray, while in the winter it goes back to stark white that helps them camouflage and hide in the snow. Their paws and legs also adapted to the way of life in this area, which makes them quite different than the rabbits in the south. Still, these polar rabbits are way too adorable.

 The Scariest Thunderstorm Ever Captured

We’ve seen many photos of lightning on this list of stunning nature photos but this might be the scariest one. This is what happens when a tornado and a lightning storm join power to inflict serious damage upon the ground and everything on it.


Interestingly, when merged with a tornado, the lightning never actually reaches the ground, meaning all energy and electricity stay in the clouds. Nevertheless, this photo shows the scary tornado lightning storm in its most dangerous form.  

The Forming of a Tornado

Speaking of tornadoes, here is a picture that shows how they are formed. The dangerous swirling cloud forms first as a small tendril and eventually evolves into a large twister.


The size of a tornado is measured through the Fujita Scale, also known as the F-Scale. The intensity of a tornado is rated based on the damage it causes to trees and nearby structures. The least dangerous tornado is rated F-1, while the most dangerous one is rated F-5.

   Lightning Striking a Body of Water

We just can’t get enough of lightning shots around here. We all know that water and electricity don’t go well together. This photo shows the exact moment when lightning struck over the ocean.


According to the US National Weather Service, an average lightning strike contains a massive power of 300 million volts, which is more than enough to kill someone. While fish and other sea creatures are able to avoid the dangers of lightning strikes by swimming deeper under water, humans tend to stay on the surface, which leaves them exposed to danger.

   A Beautiful Shot of the Milky Way Over the Pyramids in Giza

This is a beautiful shot showing the Milky Way above the pyramids of Giza. This sight was visible even during the ancient times when many ancient cultures invented myths and legends about the Milky Way.


One of the most interesting legends was the belief that Egyptian’s shared about the Milky Way. They believed that the Milky Way was an actual stream of cow’s milk from a cow goddess. Yeah, right! Still, the visibility of the Milky Way from is another outstanding sight nature has to offer.

   Yes, This Is Only One Photo

If you look at it a bit longer, you will actually realize that this is one photo, not two. The horizontal line on this photo is so perfect that it forms an optical illusion. It really does look like two photos at first…


However, it is nothing more than a beautiful sight combined with some great photography skills. Just sit back and imagine you are driving down this road and enjoying the beautiful sights around it. It almost looks unreal!  

The Stunning Ball of Lightning

Back to the lightning, here is one of the weirdest lightning phenomenon that remains unexplained to this day. This phenomenon includes the formation of a large, glowing ball of electricity that looks like something out of a science fiction movie.


However, this phenomenon occurs so rarely that scientists don’t have enough data to describe or explain it correctly. Still, thanks to our advanced technology, scientists were able to replicate the electricity ball in a lab and, every time they did so, the ball exploded a few seconds after being formed.

  Sunset Over the Pyramids in Giza

This beautiful photograph deserves to be hung on a wall! It shows a breath-taking sunset behind the pyramids of Giza. Looking at this scenery, it is a lot easier to understand why the ancient cultures believed Giza was a sacred place.


After all, Giza is a pretty important site and home to some of the best monuments in the world, including the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx, along with a variety of other smaller pyramids and monuments worth visiting.

  White Bats in a Leaf

What you can see here is another rare animal species that can be found in nature. These little white balls are actually bats, called the Honduran white bats. Unlike the ordinary, black bats, these white fluffs look adorable and harmless.


They don’t spend time in dark areas such as caves and attics. Instead, they make their own shelter out of colorful leaves. Another difference between these adorable fluffs and black rats is the fact that Honduran white bats are frugivores, meaning they only eat fruit.

  The Spaceship Jellyfish

 No, this is not an alien. This is a deep sea jellyfish that strangely resembles an extraterrestrial being. These species are classified as marine animals, yet they are most likely the strangest animals on our planet. They don’t have bones, brains, nor blood.


Yet they have a green substance called the fluorescent protein, which they use to become bioluminescent and create their own light. Some jellyfish are poisonous and can sting you is you come across them. A specific type of jellyfish called the Box jellyfish is considered one of the deadliest animals on our planet.

  A Stunning Shot of a Storm in Kansas

A supercell thunderstorm is a storm categorized by strong, continuously rotating updrafts. As you can see on the photo, these storms look pretty frightening, almost as if the cloud was showering the Earth with flames. These types of storms are common in the Plains states, while this specific photograph was taken in Howard, Texas.


In South America, these storms occur in an area called the Tornado Corridor. These powerful storms can last up to four hours and affect the weather up to twenty miles away.

  A Volcano Eruption

This is a photo of the Calbuco Volcano eruption in Chile. This terrific event took place recently in 2015. The volcano erupted three times, causing over 1500 people to evacuate the area. Before 2015, the last time this volcano woke up was in 1972.


Interestingly, the Calbuco Volcano is located within the Ring of Fire, that is, a ring of volcanic activity around the Pacific Ocean. The most important volcano eruptions that took place during the last 11 000 years were located exactly in the Ring of Fire. 

 Some Muddy, Upset Elephants

It’s not uncommon to see baby elephants rolling in mud. It kind of looks adorable. But, they don’t do this out of boredom. Baby elephants are known to throw themselves in the mud when they’re upset and we thought human babies are difficult to handle!


Even though this little elephant is clearly upset about something, he still looks way too cute. We’re sure his mother can’t stay mad at him!

   Two Seas Cannot Mix Together

You’ve probably seen this photo roaming the internet but we just couldn’t leave it out. This shot showcases the spot where two different seas meet. Because of the specific water density, salinity, and temperature, the glacial melt water cannot mix with the waters of the Gulf of Alaska.


This forms a beautiful sight of two differently colored seas meeting but never merging. We wonder what it feels like to swim from one sea into another and feel the density of water change around you!

   A Bear Enjoying the Park

We just can’t get enough of this photo! This little bear found its way to someone’s backyard and decided to have fun on the slide. Baby bears are naturally curious so we’re not surprised that he actually used the slide.


Even though this cub seems to be alone, his mother is most likely somewhere nearby. When they sense danger, mama bears become very dangerous so, if you see a baby bear somewhere around the neighborhood, don’t try to approach him for safety reasons!

   A Scary Water Spout

This waterspout definitely beats all the tornado photographs we’ve already shown. Interestingly, waterspouts can occur outside of tornado storms, which makes them a bit more common.


They can swirl water up towards the clouds, creating a clearly visible funnel. Luckily, waterspouts don’t go too far inland and they often disappear without causing any damage. Still, seeing a sight like this would be enough to scare anybody at the spot!

  This Is a Spider's Foot Under the Microscope

Last but not least, here is an example of what a spider’s foot looks like under an electron microscope. Even though spider legs are way too small for us to see any details on them, a microscope can reveal everything.


Judging by this photo, spider legs are quite disgusting. These well-developed limbs allow spiders to basically defy gravity, climb walls and never get stuck in their own webs.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
6/15/2020 7:00 pm

Be patient for responses. There is a lot to look at here, and many are so compelling, they consume many minutes of study. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
6/15/2020 7:18 pm

Yes, I know that.  I just wanted to make sure that folks actually got to see them.  Not only are they amazing, but it took me nearly 2 hours to post it all with all the work involved in editing it to come out correctly.  Otherwise, everything is a gigantic jumble.


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