Sia - What is Wrong?

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Posted by greenman
2/27/2020 9:03 am

I'm not posting this on the threaded board because I've left that, and don't intend to come back.  Your rage and hostility toward anyone who disagrees with you has itself become so disagreeable that I wouldn't want to post there.  And make no mistake about it, this isn't my, Trudy's, Poppet's, or anyone else's problem.  It's YOUR problem. 

I thought that allowing conservative posters there would be a problem, and I'll admit, I got a little upset with TW on one occasion.  But we made it up, and I've not had problems with either of the other two, though we disagree.  Oddly, it's YOU who have been the problem.  Your disagreements are one thing - I have NO PROBLEM with you opposing Bernie for the Dem nomination, or questioning his credentials, contrary to your claims - but your behavior has been something else.  You have consistently accused me and others of things we're not doing, particularly of opposing your right to even have or air your views.  That amounts to outright paranoia, and I have no idea where it's coming from....but you're in danger of losing three of your better posters for NO GOOD REASON.

I don't know if there are personal problems, stress or other situations that are causing you to act like this, if so believe me I would be willing to sympathize.  But I see no reason to go on posting on your fora as long as you're acting like this.  It's like having Mongo running the place all of a sudden - and I know you're not like that.

Please reconsider your actions and attitudes towards those who disagree.  Don't let disagreements make you permanently disagreeable.


Posted by Siagiah
2/27/2020 6:44 pm

I didn't SEE this earlier.  I am at my daughter's watching Evelyn so have other things I need to be doing besides checking to see if someone posted to me over here.  You HAVE my email...

Yes, there IS quite a bit that's wrong and it doesn't help one bit that every time I post anything I get tag teamed and given a bunch of crap just because I don't want Bernie to win. You may not realize how you all come off, but you all complain CONSTANTLY about me posting about Bernie and some make threats to leave because of it. HOW am I supposed to interpret that ?? The ONLY interpretation is that you all expect me to stop posting my opinions about Bernie so you aren't upset by them.

Now you inform me that you believe that it's all MY problem and has NOTHING to do with how any of you have behaved ?? That's equally ridiculous. It's NOT all on me anymore than it's ALL on you.

I didn't insult nor attack you the other day, but you let loose with ugly insults and stormed off. HOW is that MY fault ?? WHAT did I do to deserve that from you ?? I got upset because all 3 of you had again jumped all over me about my post. No one said a WORD to Merlin even though he said more than I even did about it. So, WHAT'S with that ??  I'm supposed to think that it's NOT personal ??

Since you asked, YES, I am VERY SICK and my symptoms are now out of control. I'm vomiting blood every time I eat anything as anything I eat irritates the Crohn's inflammation that has gone ballistic and has caused raw wounds in my stomach and intestines. So, I'm in horrific pain from that AND from having to stop the meds that are causing the irritation and vomiting because they are what control the RA and Lupus pain.

So, I get to have a choice, take meds to ease the pain and inflammation but vomit blood from stomach wounds and damage my intestines to where I'll need sections surgically removed or I can stop controlling the RA and Lupus to heal the Crohn's injuries and be in horrible pain all day, all night, every day.

Add to that the way you three keep piling up on me and WHAT do you expect ??

Posted by greenman
2/27/2020 7:47 pm

Forget the argument, just get well.

Perhaps we can talk at some future time.  Both sides have complaints here, but this isn't the time or place.


Posted by Siagiah
2/27/2020 7:52 pm

Fair enough.  We can talk about it later on if anyone wants or needs to clear anything up.

Be well and take care.


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