Bad avalanche season, worst yet to come

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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/04/2019 7:48 pm

In October I wrote this would be a dangerous avalanche season here in Colorado. Yesterday three giant avalanches fell down across I-70. One of them closed the highway in both directions for hours. Slides occurred near Copper Mountain in Tenmile Canyon, and between Copper Mountain and Frisco.

In this one, you see the avalanche that closed the road. Pay attention to the end, where the windshield cracks either from debris hitting it, or weight of the snow settling on it and roof of the car.¬if_id=1551708978679512¬if_t=group_activity


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/04/2019 7:50 pm

This clip was shot by somebody well behind, capturing the scope of one of the avalanches.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/07/2019 11:31 pm

The CAIC (Colorado Avalanche Information Center) released the first Stage 5 avalanche alert in its history.
The avalanche threat is at an all time historic high. A huge avalanche crossed US 91 near Copper Mountain and swept at least fifteen cars off the road. The avalanche covered more than 300 feet of highway with more than 15 feet of hard packed snow.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/09/2019 12:02 am

Avalanche danger in Colorado is off the charts, unprecedentedly historic and has expanded. Colorado Avalanche Information Center's advisory is Cat 5 (never before reached), and back country travel, "Sketchy AF." I had to look up AF- "as fvck." I never saw an official agency of any kind use that language in a public release. A Basin Ski Area is closed until avalanche mitigation threatening US 6 is finished. An avalanche shut down Breckenridge today, damaging a lift. Another on US 91 Fremont Pass buried at least six cars. It was a miracle nobody was killed.. Avalanches crossed I-70 between Dillon and Vail Pass, one overwhelming traffic and closing the highway for remainder of the day. When an avalanche stops, the snow sets up like concrete. It's actually harder than concrete. If rescue doesn't find you within 14 minutes, your survival chances drop to 40%. Aspen Ski Area has 132" base (normal is about 60"). Most Colorado ski areas have 100" or deeper bases - average is 50-70 inches. Wolf Creek has 162 inches, with a huge Albuquerque low storm coming in now, forecast to snow three to six more FEET of snow.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
3/10/2019 11:33 am

Backcountry's been sketchy here in Oregon, too. Lots of avalanche danger in the off-piste backcountry areas I like to 'board in. I've actually been sticking to the resorts, since I almost always board alone lately.

Posted by Siagiah
3/10/2019 9:36 pm

HOLY  F***ING  SH*T !!  

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/10/2019 9:51 pm

Red Mountain Pass closed until further notice. Avalanche mitigation buried the highway along the Riverside Snow Shed area under up to 60 FEET of avalanche snow.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/12/2019 1:12 pm

An historic slide occurred in Aspen.

A huge avalanche came off the N side of Torreys Peak, wiping out the access approach to the mountain, burying it under 60-80 feet of snow. This will have to melt off, 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/13/2019 3:01 pm

Today, we're in the eye wall of a Bomb Cyclone. It is a raging blizzard outside. 
Wind sustained at 56mph, gusts to 88mph, with heavy snow. Visibility maybe 50 feet. 
Everything is closed. Many passes are closed. Highways and roads closed. 
Atmospheric pressure in the Low this morning reached 969 millibars. 
That is the lowest continental atmospheric pressure reading in the Northern Hemisphere since records were kept. 

People are stranded in their vehicles. A circle concierge drive at a local hospital is blocked by cars embedded in a huge snow drift, that can't yet be moved. Conditions are too dangerous for first responders to get out. Hundreds of cars and people have been stranded for four or five hours and counting, with no relief in sight. News is reporting to them, how to stay alive until first responders can reach them.Out on the eastern plains, it is worse. Many hundreds of stranded cars and motorists. Nobody knows the exact number.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
3/14/2019 1:03 pm
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/15/2019 4:16 pm

Wolf Creek received 117 inches of new snow from this storm. Civil Air Patrol is flying over eastern Colorado in search of vehicles and people buried, stranded and isolated by snow drifts. One man was found frozen to death out in a "nowhere." Apparently wandered from his car- which hasn't been located yet. A woman was rescued in a similar situation, suffering from frostbite and hypothermia. The storm has made back country travel in the Colorado mountains unsafe into the indefinite future. It will take a very long time for the snowpack to stabilize. All back country travel is strongly discouraged. Avalanches wiped out thousands of trees, in previously forested slopes where avalanches were rare or unknown before now. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/16/2019 3:10 pm

OMG, HOLY FLIPPIN' MOLY  117" of snow all at once ???
We got 7' (84") of snow in one week, here in NH, back in 2000 -01 winter.  It was unbelievable.  NH requires all non-essential businesses to close or delay opening when significant snow falls so that crews can clear the roads before cars try to go anywhere.  But it didn't take too long to get it under control as every able bodied individual with a license to operate a plow was brought in to clear the roads as quickly as possible since the roads had NO CARS on it because businesses were closed.
NH learned that from the blizzard of '78 that walloped all of New England, New York, and New Jersey.  Two days of relentless snow and 86 MPH winds with 111 MPH gusts literally paralyzed MA, CT, & RI with about 27" of snow and several inches of ice on top of it.  Ginormous waves pummeled the coastline and demolished sea walls meant to stop them.  In some areas, crazy thunder-snow formed with thunder & lightening while snowing 4" per hour at times.  It was the ICE that complicated everything so much as it took trees down, caused massive power outages, and complicated trying to move the snow that stranded thousands of cars on every major highway and side roads.
One of the major problems was the lack of foreknowledge of the severity of the storm that was coming.  Forecasting was notoriously wrong, so no one believed that a huge storm was coming when it didn't arrive "on time".  Everyone went to work & school. 

From Wikipedia:
The Northeastern United States blizzard of 1978 was a catastrophic, historic nor'easter that struck New England, New Jersey, and the New York metropolitan area. The "Blizzard of '78" formed on Sunday, February 5, 1978, and broke up on February 7. The storm was primarily known as "Storm Larry" in Connecticut, following the local convention promoted by the Travelers Weather Service on television and radio stations there. Snow fell mostly from Monday morning, February 6, to the evening of Tuesday, February 7. Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts were hit especially hard by this storm.
[i]Boston received a record-breaking 27.1 inches (69 cm) of snow; [url=,_Rhode_Island]Providence[/url] also broke a record, with 27.6 inches (70 cm) of snow; Atlantic City broke an all-time storm accumulation, with 20.1 inches (51 cm). Nearly all economic activity was disrupted in the worst-hit areas. The storm killed about 100 people in the Northeast and injured about 4,500. It caused more than US$520 million (US$2 billion in 2018 terms) in damage.
Meteorological history
*Car buried by snow in Boston
The storm was formed from an extratropical cyclone off the coast of South Carolina on February 5. An Arctic cold front and a cold air mass then merged with the storm, creating the perfect ingredients for a large and intense low-pressure system.
This storm system made its way up the coast and approached southern New England late February 6 and early February 7. Since it developed during a new moon, an unusually large high tide occurred, and the storm brought a massive amount of water along coastal communities. The huge storm surge resulted in broken sea walls and massive property loss.
[i]Strong winds and extremely heavy precipitation brought zero visibility for travelers, and numerous power outages ensued. The precipitation changed to rain on Cape Cod, reducing the total snowfall, but snow continued in the west. By the time it ended, thousands of people were stranded and homeless as a result of the storm.
[i]Storm strength

[i]The storm's power was made apparent by its sustained hurricane-force winds of approximately 86 mph (138 km/h) with gusts to 111 mph (179 km/h) and the formation of an eye-like structure in the middle. While a typical nor'easter brings steady snow for six to twelve hours, the Blizzard of '78 brought heavy snow for an unprecedented full 33 hours as it was blocked from heading into the North Atlantic by a strong Canadian high pressure area. In many areas in Central and Southern New England, the snow falling at night turned to an icy mix that left a notable layer of solid ice on every external surface. This ice greatly complicated recovery efforts in subsequent days, as it added considerable weight to power lines and tree limbs. Trees that survived the daytime snow did not survive the nighttime ice storm.
[i]An atypical vertical development of storm clouds brought unusual thundersnow to southern New England and Long Island. These storms resulted in lightning and thunder accompanying the snowfall as it fell at 4 inches (10 cm) an hour at times.

*Maple Street, [url=,_Rhode_Island]Woonsocket, Rhode Island[/url]*
One of the major problems with the Blizzard of 1978 was the lack of foreknowledge about the storm's severity. Weather forecasting in New England is difficult, and meteorologists had developed a reputation as being inaccurate. Forecasting techniques and technology had improved dramatically in the 1970s, but the public was still quite skeptical. Snow failed to arrive in Monday's pre-dawn hours as predicted, and many locals felt it to be another failed forecast—despite the accuracy of National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters' predictions concerning the Great Blizzard—and they went to work and school as normal. Because of this, people had neither time nor incentive to prepare. The region was already reeling after storms in January 1978 that left nearly two feet of snow in some areas of New England, and had caused the collapse of the roof of the Hartford Civic Center.

*Women standing atop a snowdrift in Boston
The government of Massachusetts had a system for notifying major employers to send employees home early in the event of heavy storms. Thousands of employees were sent home starting in the early afternoon of February 6, but thousands more were still caught by the storm. Some did not make it home for several days. Many people were stranded in their cars along roads throughout New England. Fourteen people died on I-95 near Boston because snow piled high enough to prevent poisonous exhaust fumes from escaping from their idling vehicles. I-95 eventually had to be evacuated by cross-country skiers and snowmobilers. More than 3,500 cars were found abandoned and buried on roads during the clean-up. This number excludes the countless other vehicles buried in driveways, on the sides of streets, and in parking lots. Other transportation links were disrupted and shut down throughout the region, stranding public-transit commuters in city centers.


*Cars and trucks stuck in snow on Route 128 near [url=,_Massachusetts]Needham, Massachusetts[/url]
Snowplows were also stranded in traffic as the snow continued to fall. At one point on I-93 north of Boston, a jackknifed tractor trailer blocked traffic in both directions, with a similar event occurring on Route 128 near Route 138 in Canton. The Neponset River also flooded I-93 in Milton, causing the highway's complete closure.
A massive effort was made to clear Logan Airport runways for 200 National Guard troops' arrivial on 27 C-130 and C-141 military flights from Fort Bragg and Fort Devens, who were called out by the governor.
Some 11,666 college-hockey fans in Boston Garden, then the site of the 26th edition of the annual "Beanpot" college ice hockey tournament, held at the time of the blizzard's outbreak, found weather much different from what they had expected. Some spectators spent the next few days living at the arena, eating hot dogs, and sleeping in the bleachers and locker rooms. Because of the Blizzard, the second round of the Beanpot that year was not held until March 1, 1978, the latest date ever for the tournament's concluding games.
Throughout eastern Massachusetts, automobile traffic was banned for the remainder of the week. Thousands of people walked and skied on the quiet city streets and over the frozen Charles River.
This blizzard was one of the worst in Rhode Island's history, catching off guard many residents and the state government. Although Governor J. Joseph Garrahy had ordered an emergency evacuation of all public buildings, shortly before noon on February 6, too many people had lagged. Providence County, Rhode Island, was the hardest hit by the blizzard; the towns of Lincoln, Smithfield, Woonsocket, and North Smithfield all reported totals of at least 40 inches (100 cm) snow.

In New York City, it was one of the rare times that a snowstorm closed the schools; the New York City Board of Education closed schools for snow again only once in the next 18 years, on April 7, 1982. Most suburban districts in the area close for snow several times each winter, but they rarely do in the city itself because of relatively easy access to subways, whose ability to run is not appreciably affected by moderate snowstorms.
Many people were caught in the storm while driving, and many others were trapped in their homes and workplaces, with snow drifts of up to 15 feet (4.6 m), in some places blocking the exits. In many cases, those who had become ill or had been injured during the storm had to be taken to hospitals by snowmobile. Other people left their homes and went for help by cross-country skis and sleds.
The storm caused coastal flooding. The fierce northeast winds from the storm—with the low-pressure area stalled off the island of Martha's Vineyard—combined with high tides and storm surge, resulting from the storm's low pressure. This sent water over low land along the shores of Long Island Sound, Cape Cod Bay, and other bodies of water, causing some of the worst recorded coastal flooding. The flood continued through two days of tide cycles, a total of four successive high tides. Thousands of homes throughout coastal Massachusetts were damaged or destroyed, as was "Motif Number 1", in [url=,_Massachusetts]Rockport[/url], an often painted fisherman's shack renowned in art circles. The Peter Stuyvesant, a former Hudson River Day Line boat turned into a floating restaurant, was sunk in Boston Harbor. The region's fishing fleet was damaged by the storm.
*The storm's straight-line surface winds destroyed buildings along the coast, often aided by flooding and waves. Wind gusts of 100 mph (160 km/h) were recorded in Plum Island and 110 mph (180 km/h) at First Cliff in [url=,_Massachusetts]Scituate, Massachusetts[/url]. Duxbury Beach was hit with 85 mph (137 km/h) gusts and 93 mph (150 km/h) in [url=,_Massachusetts]Chatham[/url].
*Aftermath and recovery


National Guard vehicles in Boston

Snow removal in Boston
Boston and Providence recorded all-time highs for 24-hour and storm snowfall. Many people were left without heat, water, food, and electricity for over a week after the storm finished. Approximately 10,000 people moved into emergency shelters. Some 2,500 houses were reported as seriously damaged or destroyed and 54 people were killed, many because of fallen electrical wires. Several people were found dead in downtown Providence, near the central police station; they may have been seeking shelter. Ten-year-old Peter Gosselin, of [url=,_Massachusetts]Uxbridge, Massachusetts[/url], disappeared in the deep snow just feet from his home's front door and was not found until three weeks later. Most of the Interstate highway system in the region was shut down, with some stretches not reopening to traffic until the following week. Air and rail traffic also were shut down.
The snow fell too quickly for plow trucks to keep up. Plows were further hampered by the number of cars stuck on the roads. In Boston, the deep snow overwhelmed the city's sanitation department, because there was no more room along streets and sidewalks to put the snow; much of it was hauled and dumped in nearby harbors. Throughout the region, the high winds caused enormous drifts.

National Guard emergency management center in Boston

 National Guardsmen work with local workers and volunteers in Boston
A state of emergency was declared by governors in the affected states, and the United States National Guard was called out to help clear the roads. Additional troops were flown into Boston to help. It took six days to clear the roads of snow and of the cars and trucks buried in it. Governor Ella T. Grasso ordered all roads in Connecticut closed except for emergency travel, for three days; Governor Michael Dukakis, of Massachusetts, did the same for his state. The parking lot of Fenway Park was used for the National Guard to stage its efforts. In Massachusetts, there was no travel ban again until 35 years later, when governor Deval Patrick announced a travel ban on February 8, 2013, running from 4 pm that day until 4 pm the next day, because of the February 2013 nor'easter, whose snowfall rivaled and, in some places, beat that of the Blizzard of '78; in the "Blizzard of '13", the ban was declared before the worst hit; in the Blizzard of '78 this happened after the storm's worst.
Extensive beach erosion occurred on the east coast of Massachusetts. Especially hard-hit were Cape Cod and Cape Ann, both on the eastern shore of Massachusetts. In [url=,_Massachusetts]Truro[/url], on Cape Cod, the Atlantic Ocean broke through to the Pamet River for the first time during this storm, completely washing away the link between the North and South Pamet roads. The town chose not to reconstruct the link, though the right-of-way is open to pedestrians. Monomoy Island was split into north and south parts.
Many homes along the New England and Long Island coastlines were destroyed or washed into the ocean. Many roof collapses occurred across New England from snow load.
I remember the massive snow bankings where my siblings built a giant snow fort in our front yard and that only snowmobiles, plows, and military vehicles (we lived near Ft. Devens)  were allowed on the roads because so many roads and all of the major highways were clogged with trapped vehicles. Businesses & schools were closed for an entire WEEK !!  Snowmobiles delivered food and medicine to people and transported people to hospitals.

No school for an entire week !!  That was once enormous YIPPEE !!



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