Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/26/2019 3:02 pm | #1 |
Americans should see the negotiation between Trump and China over tariffs. Trump didn't like the term Memorandum of Understanding, a legal, binding contract. He preferred the term "Deal" instead, and even when educated by his own legal and administrative team, he refused to learn, to the amusement of the laughing Chinese over his unbelievable ignorance.
When Trump took the opportunity to disagree with the MOU explanation, he said, "there will be an MOU, that is put into the final contract..." The MOU IS the final document. It is a binding contract in very specific detail.
Trump asks how soon the MOU will be ready to put into the final binding contract. IT IS the final binding contract! In excruciating detail!
His sycophants placated him, ordering a change in wording from "MOU" to "Deal," met with unconstrained laughter from the Chinese representation.
For the record, the "deal" Trump's team is putting together is an undoing of his already implemented tariffs, with the realization they hurt Americans far more than they hurt Chinese. Team Trump is negotiating to get us back to where we were; essentially where Obama left it! Criminal stupidity.
Watch for Trump to brag about this at some forthcoming rally, to a base who doesn't know the difference.
If you watch this clip, the chuckles you hear are the Chinese negotiators, astonished that Trump doesn't know the difference, what he's talking about, and won't accept clarification.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/28/2019 7:36 pm | #2 |
What a flippin' IDIOT!!
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/02/2019 10:06 pm | #3 |
It's not just his base that demands 'deals,' I think, it's that that's literally all he understands. He's not good at them, really - he's gotten most of what he has through bullying and intimidation, it seems - but that's his preferred method, and how he wants the mob to understand things. Sad, as he would say...
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/04/2019 8:03 pm | #4 |
Trumpeons and their GOP representation warn of the fear of socialism. Yet America became a corporate socialism. A few giant billionaires own most or all of the national retail chains, from hardware and fast food, to department stores, insurance companies, health care, sporting goods, supermarkets... you name it. Competition is dead, and a healthy capitalism depends on competition. In its place we live in a corporate socialism where everything we buy is dictated in a "what we have is all you get" policy, at their prices, under their terms. You can't barter Peter against Paul because a John owns them both. The Koch brothers, Soros, Buffett, the Waltons, Bezos et al are the drivers, and the GOP is a moth in the grill shouting, "Whee! Look at us go!"
What must a person lack to believe Trump? Truth.
Trumpeons like to say Obama lied, and hurt America. Evidence however says otherwise. Trumpeons like to say Trump is truthful, and a great president. Again, evidence says otherwise.
Trumpeons argue millions of citizens support Trump. Many, many millions more don't. Willingness of a few million to tolerate lies from a liar is not sufficient cause to retain a liar as president.
Trump's base is in school about the danger of lies. Long ago the US Military learned those lessons, which led to the Honor Code at all US Military Academies:
"I will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate anyone who does."
Lies and lying kill. Every time Trump lies, he murders some part of America, including his base.