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Posted by Siagiah
5/11/2019 5:07 pm

When posting an article from on the web using HTML, always add at least one line (preferably TWO) between each paragraph because online articles' spacing will be ignored by Boardhost software (that uses BBCode, NOT HTML) and it will wind up being a giant jumble with no paragraph separations.  Do that immediately because if you preview BEFORE adding a line space between them, then you'll have to spend considerable time figuring out where the paragraphs are supposed to break. 

ALSO, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS PREVIEW... If you use "quick post", NO preview is offered.  If you use the "post reply" option (found directly underneath the last post on the right side of the page)


First example is not adding the line (but I did add * to show where it should have been just to make it easier for me to fix it after c&p the example)

Mueller documented a ‘pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call’ Laurie L. Levenson is professor of law and David W. Burcham chair of ethical advocacy at Loyola Law School. She was formerly an assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles.*It is actually surprising how much Barr tried to spin this report in favor of the president. Given his prior public service, I had hoped Barr to rise to the occasion and be more forthright with the American public. But, he wasn’t. At minimum, the report details how the Trump campaign took advantage of Russian election interference, and the president himself made many efforts to stymie the investigation into what exactly happened. The report may not make a finding of criminal wrongdoing, but it certainly presents troubling behavior by a person who should be trying to protect our democracy.*After this report, I think that the Trump presidency will be forever under a cloud. The details of the report portray a president who is obsessed with his own political power and who was, in the report’s words, willing to engage in “multiple acts … that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations.” What is troubling here is that these were not simply individual acts by the president; it is a pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call in not authorizing the obstruction charges.*


Second example, I added two lines of separation to the piece prior to previewing.

Mueller documented a ‘pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call’

Laurie L. Levenson is professor of law and David W. Burcham chair of ethical advocacy at Loyola Law School. She was formerly an assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles.

 It is actually surprising how much Barr tried to spin this report in favor of the president. Given his prior public service, I had hoped Barr to rise to the occasion and be more forthright with the American public. But, he wasn’t. At minimum, the report details how the Trump campaign took advantage of Russian election interference, and the president himself made many efforts to stymie the investigation into what exactly happened. The report may not make a finding of criminal wrongdoing, but it certainly presents troubling behavior by a person who should be trying to protect our democracy.

 After this report, I think that the Trump presidency will be forever under a cloud. The details of the report portray a president who is obsessed with his own political power and who was, in the report’s words, willing to engage in “multiple acts … that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations.” What is troubling here is that these were not simply individual acts by the president; it is a pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call in not authorizing the obstruction charges.

Posted by Siagiah
5/11/2019 5:08 pm

When posting a NEW TOPIC,  choose your subject line carefully, remembering that it will be the ONLY subject line for the entire thread.  Choose a subject title that will invite others to open the thread and that describes the thread well. 

It is also a good idea to cut and paste the subject line at the top of your first post so that it's included when others read your post.  The way this software works, it's not as easily seen as the old web apps forums.  



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