There is a pig pile of "guests" EVERY NIGHT. I can't begin to guess who they all are however. Gotta wonder if some of the numbers are because of rotating proxies that increase the numbers since "showing active" lasts for 20 minutes before it dissipates ??? Sometimes it's upwards of 20 guests lurking ??
If you're lurking and interested in joining, just fill out the registration form. The only things required that anyone might balk at are: DOB and an email address. You can make up a DOB, we don't care because we don't even see it, but Boardhost requires participants to be over age 18. Email addy's are a dime a dozen on gmail. As long as you can receive your initial password and use the link in the email to join, that's all you need. There is NO "real life" information required and we couldn't care LESS if you make it all up.