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4/18/2019 2:38 pm  #1

Mueller:Congress HAS the ability to charge tRUMP with obstruction !!

The report apparently also says that Mueller found more than enough to support the charge of obstruction of justice against tRUMP by Congress and to recommend IMPEACHMENT, but HIS (Mueller & DOJ) burden of proof of illegal intent wasn't solid enough to recommend an indictment and trial that the DOJ would never actually charge.

The report is VERY DAMNING against tRUMP



4/18/2019 3:58 pm  #2

Re: Mueller:Congress HAS the ability to charge tRUMP with obstruction !!

I expect Trump to embark on a campaign to discredit Mueller and as much of the report as possible. Watch it shift to "fake news" and "witch hunt material" dug up by "13 angry Democrats." If he can throw enough $h!t on it, some public opinion may shift in his favor. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

4/18/2019 5:07 pm  #3

Re: Mueller:Congress HAS the ability to charge tRUMP with obstruction !!

Only those who already approve of and believe him will buy into that BS.

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