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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
In this first installment, Deanna argues about life. The old nurse says in line 5,
"An ovary is not living, nor is a sperm living." In the next line she contradicts herself
saying "many, many, many die before they even get close to an egg."
If sperm aren't living, then how do many, many, many die? How does one die?
How can anything not living, die?
In line 8 she wrote, "I truly do not get where you believe they are living...
any more than a red blood cell or white blood cell is living like a human..."
Its possible the old nurse is perhaps 20% dead. Maybe more. She's so old
and republican, parts of her may very well be dead, only she's too stupid to
know it. Her dead parts may total 80% or more. By her argument, they're all
dead. 100% dead. Dumb Deanna done went and died on us..... except
by her own argument they were never alive.
She's as dead as four o'clock in downtown Karval.
Anyone want to tell her?
This is an example of somebody writing about something, never having given
it much if any thought. Afterward, they think about it even less. Yessir. A human
being is alive, but his parts aren't. A fact straight from the mind of Deanna LOLOL!!!
Poor thing!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/05/2020 11:18 pm)
She has NO IDEA that scientists had recently discovered that 2 sperm had simultaneously fertilized a single egg, creating "semi-identical twins". It's so incredibly rare that it's almost impossible and was believed to be prior to that discovery. If she knew that, she'd have clearly said so because one would have expected someone to immediately correct anyone who tried to claim that "one or two sperm fertilize a single egg".
THEN claiming that WOMEN "reabsorb" male sperm ?? Almost amusing but you can't reabsorb what you never absorbed (or created). Women can react to chemicals and hormones in semen, but sperm and semen are NOT the same thing. Sperm and most semen leave in normal discharges.
She claims to have been a nurse, but also admitted it was a 2 year course, which means that she was an LPN, at best. She also only worked in a single doctor's office as his office nurse, meaning she took vitals and such. That's about IT.
Given that she and her husband ran a general store together for decades, by her own admission, it appears that she was an LPN likely for a short time before getting married and raising a family. Her rampant ignorance proves that whatever education that she once had, is EXTREMELY rusty and significantly INCOMPLETE.
Amadeus right that she goes into her "giggle box" routine when she's over her head and out of her league.
Siagiah wrote:
Amadeus right that she goes into her "giggle box" routine when she's over her head and out of her league.
That happens, even at CDP. She needs to visit R&E more often though, for the b!tchslap necessary to withdraw into her giggle box mode with more pizzazz. She quickly works through the seven stages of mental illness to arrive at understanding of an imbecile. Easy to see why she likes Trump. They're so much alike.
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
The Hyena laughs at death, laughs at suffering, laughs at people struggling. She should go live with Mondo
Mondo is her day job.
"Sperm aren't living" but somehow "many, many, many sperm die." That's an hilarious contradiction. "An ovary is not living" is insane ignorance about medicine...didn't someone say she'd been a NURSE?
Senile, apparently...smh
SHE claims to have been an LPN who worked in a doctor's office. Obviously, an eternity ago.
An LPN is only a 2 year college degree. They can take blood pressure, pulse, etc. They can't even give out meds in a hospital. Now we can all readily see why.
greenman wrote:
"Sperm aren't living" but somehow "many, many, many sperm die." That's an hilarious contradiction. "An ovary is not living" is insane ignorance about medicine...didn't someone say she'd been a NURSE?
Senile, apparently...smh
She doesn't know the difference between living and sentient.
Prolly because she's neither.
Anything to the contrary is just a rumor.
She's so republican, she rotted. Hasn't died yet.
Her posts here and there are better described as minimal biological activity.
Prolly no higher than eating, sleeping, and leaving excretions.
She happens onto these progressive sites with anecdotes and humor,
then cuts and pastes them onto CPD and R&E to show her good taste and republican intellect.
Pert near the only acknowledgement she gets comes from somebody she hasn't LOLOL!!! and Poor thinged under the train.
Caught sight of one of her bangs the other day out corner of one eye, and began having a conversation with it. But every time she turned her head to look at it, the bang moved away. Said it was shy. Introduced it to Mondo and invited it to post at CPD. Mondo listed it on his massive membership of the mostly missing. Rumor has it he hopes to bang it.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/10/2020 12:26 pm)
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
greenman wrote:
"Sperm aren't living" but somehow "many, many, many sperm die." That's an hilarious contradiction. "An ovary is not living" is insane ignorance about medicine...didn't someone say she'd been a NURSE?
Senile, apparently...smhShe doesn't know the difference between living and sentient.
Prolly because she's neither.
Anything to the contrary is just a rumor.
She's so republican, she rotted. Hasn't died yet.
Her posts here and there are better described as minimal biological activity.
Prolly no higher than eating, sleeping, and leaving excretions.
She happens onto these progressive sites with anecdotes and humor,
then cuts and pastes them onto CPD and R&E to show her good taste and republican intellect.
Pert near the only acknowledgement she gets comes from somebody she hasn't LOLOL!!! and Poor thinged under the train.
Caught sight of one of her bangs the other day out corner of one eye, and began having a conversation with it. But every time she turned her head to look at it, the bang moved away. Said it was shy. Introduced it to Mondo and invited it to post at CPD. Mondo listed it on his massive membership of the mostly missing. Rumor has it he hopes to bang it.
Almost all she does on the WWB is repost tweets from other right-wing idiots. Most aren't much smarter than she is, and they all believe each other's BS. Sad. Occasional hateful blather from TEXRA or Ted, and the odd funny comment from KR, who for some reason they still put up with. And Mongo's little pronouncements, of course.
What a pathetic joint...smh