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The BACK ALLEY - (Unlimited Topics)

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The Back Alley - Unmoderated Discussion

This is the ONLY BOARD where posters are not required to be civil to others ... We don't actively moderate this board so DON'T COMPLAIN if you post OR read here! No one forced you to. If you want to respond or have your say, submit a membership request.
24 3,834 New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam
by Siagiah



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This is where you can FIND HELP for the forum and share helpful hints.
17 43 To automatically see new & updated posts, SUBSCRIBE to our RSS FEED-
by Siagiah


Moderators will occasionally leave messages here for the board. Members can get the attention of Moderators, and Guests who are having trouble registering can contact moderators ONLY in this forum where they can post without being members. It is NOT for discussions. SORRY, THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN DISABLED DUE TO TROLL ABUSE. EMAIL INSTEAD.
2 2 We are no longer accepting NEW REGISTRATIONS
by Siagiah

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Board statistics
Total number of registered users: 92
Total number of topics: 277
Total number of posts: 4,877
User information
Newest registered user: Christopher Blackwell
Registered users online: 0
Guests online: 19
Moderated by: 
Pikes Peak 14115,

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Moderators: Pikes Peak 14115 & Amadeus & Poppet and Administrator: Siagiah