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5/06/2019 12:23 pm  #1

Well, THIS kitty (Pinky) is ready to adopt. ROFLMAO - Too Funny !!



5/07/2019 11:17 pm  #2

Re: Well, THIS kitty (Pinky) is ready to adopt. ROFLMAO - Too Funny !!

The pet of the week.  A delightful, loving kitty, Pinky, who'd made a wonderful pet. 

Ooops, the kitty wants to get down... YIKES, he's on a leash and going wild !!!

LOL... "We've got a wildcat on our hands" !! says the guy trying to sucker someone into taking that crazy cat off their hands...

THEN IT BITES HIS SENSITIVE SPOTS... And he lets go of the leash..




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