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4/20/2019 10:27 pm  #1

Just got a model of the Starship Enterprise from eBay for $100

You know what the starship enterprise and toilet paper have in common? They both circle Uranus looking for Klingons.

Pssst, it's a joke.  Don't know what it is?  Check the spoiler below:

It's actually part of a toilet.  It seals the water from leaving the tank and lifts when flushed.



4/21/2019 12:38 am  #2

Re: Just got a model of the Starship Enterprise from eBay for $100

tanks alot!"

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

4/21/2019 11:16 am  #3

Re: Just got a model of the Starship Enterprise from eBay for $100

Hey Trish, I sent you a private message here.  Look in your INBOX up top of the forum when it's on the INDEX page for the INBOX.  You'll find it within the dark blue line with other links such as options, rules, etc.

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